Here you can get an overview of our data sets.
Regional data - RWI-GEO
We host regional data that ranges from socio-economic data on 1km² raster level to regional real estate price indices and accessibility. Moreover, we georeference larger data sets or prepare small-scale data at in raster format. Almost all data are available as panel/(repeated) cross-section data. Most data are available for non-commercial research as Scientific Use File or within guest stays at the FDZ Ruhr. Some data are also available as Public Use Files.
RWI-GEO-GRID: Socio-Economic Data on grid level
RWI-GEO-GRID-POP-FORECAST: Small-Scale Population Projection
RWI-GEO-RED/X: Real Estate Data and Price Indices
RWI-GEO-LAB: DIW-IAB-RWI-Neighborhoodpanel Labor Market Data
Our microdata covers various topics. These datasets were collected within projects of the RWI, prepared by the FDZ Ruhr, and then provided for non-commercial research.
Driving times - District & Municipality level
German Heating and Housing Panel
Green-SÖP: Socio-Ecological Panel
RWI-Obesity: Finanical Incentives on Weight Loss
RWI-GRECS: German Residential Energy Consumption Survey
Data archive
The data sets in our archive are not updated. It is still possible to use some of them. For more information, please refer to the respective DOI. If you have any questions, please contact
- Focus
- Projects
- Publications at RWI
- List of all data sets
- Data sets
- Research data management
- Data access
- Data focus
- Spatial Data Workshop
- "Unstatistik" of the month
If you have any questions about our data services or data applications, please use the FAQ of the FDZ Ruhr at Forum4MICA. For further questions, please contact us from Monday to Thursday:
The Forum4MICA offers you information on the use of research data in the social, behavioural, educational and economic sciences.