RWI invites national and international scientists to present their current research results at the "RWI Research Seminar".
Overview of speakers since January 2020:
Dr. Madeline Werthschulte (Heidelberg University) (23 January 2024)
Prof. Dr. Kai Nagel (TU Berlin) (20 February 2024)
Prof. Dr. Margherita Comola (University Paris-Saclay, Paris School of Economics) (5 March 2024)
Prof. Prof. Dr. Christina Gravert (University of Copenhagen) (6 March 2024)
Prof. Dr. Ines Helm (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) (9 April 2024, RWI Labor Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. René Bekkers (VU Amsterdam) (16 April 2024, RWI Environmental and Behavioral Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Philipp Trotter (Uni Wuppertal) (3 May 2024, RWI Policy Lab Invites Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Ismir Mulalic (Copenhagen Business School) (7 May 2024) – cancelled at short notice
Dr. Jan Schmitz (Radboud University) (14 May 2024, RWI Environmental and Behavioral Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Nathan Fiala (University of Connecticut) (15 May, RWI Policy Lab Invites Seminar)
Elisa de Weerd (Erasmus School of Economics & Tinbergen Insitute) (4 June 2024)
Dr. Michelle Escobar (University of Melbourne) (18 June 2024, RWI Policy Lab Invites Seminar)
Dr. Gregor Pfeifer (University of Sydney) (8 July 2024, RWI Health Economics Seminar)
Jennifer M. Larson, PhD (Vanderbilt University) (09 July 2024, RWI Policy Lab Seminar)
Steffen Altmann (University of Duisburg-Essen) (09 July 2024, RWI Health Economics and Behavioral Economics Seminar)
Dr. Nicholas Reynolds (University of Essex) (16 July 2024, RWI Macroeconomics and Public Finance Seminar)
Dr. Tho Pham (University of York) (30 July 2024, RWI Labor Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Harald Tauchmann (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) (6 August 2024, RWI Health Economics Seminar)
Dr. Mircea Trandafir (Rockwool Foundation) (20 August 2024, RWI Health Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Joan Costa-i-Font (London School of Economics) (3 September 2024, RWI Health Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Marco Caliendo (Universität Potsdam) (24 September 2024, RWI Labor Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Mario Bossler (TH Nürnberg) (08 October 2024, RWI Labor Economics Seminar)
Dr. Hannah Illing (Universität Bonn) (15 October 2024, RWI Labor Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Robert Sauer (Royal Holloway University of London) (19 November 2024)
Dr. Michel Serafinelli (University of Essex) (19 November 2024, RWI Labor Economics Seminar)
Prof. Dr. Norma Coe (University of Pennsylvania) (3 December 2024, RWI Health Economics Seminar)
Dr. Paul Lohmann (University of Cambridge) (19 December 2023)
Shan Huang (University of Zurich) (05 December 2023)
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Moscelli (University of Surrey) (04 December 2023)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Ichino (European University Instititute) (27 November 2023)
Prof. Dr. Hanna Hottenrott (Leibniz Centre for Europe Economic Research, TUM School of Managment) (21 November 2023)
Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann (University of Basel) (14 November 2023)
Prof Dr. Jan Bietenbeck (Lund University) (13 November 2023)
Prof. Dr. Arne Uhlendorff (CREST) (07 November 2023)
Dr. Peter Andre (briq - Institute on Behavior & Inequality) (24 October 2023)
Dr. Eugenio Zucchelli (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies) (23 October 2023)
Prof. Dr. Helena Hernández-Pizarro (TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme) (09 October 2023)
Prof. Dr. Leander Heldring “The Breakdown of the English Society of Orders: The role of the Industrial Revolution“ (Northwestern University) (29 August 2023)
Prof. Dr. Arndt Reichert “Health shocks, risk coping, and human capital: the effects of Ethiopia’s child marriage law” (Leibniz Universität Hannover) (15 August 2023)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Graeber (Harvard Business School) (08 August 2023)
Prof. Dr. David Lugo Palacios (LSHTM) (05 July 2023)
Prof. Dr. Julien Bergeot "Informal Care & Mental Health: A Story of Unobserved Heterogeneity“ (Ca'Foscari University) (04 July 2023)
Shihang Hou (University of Oxford) (27 June 2023)
Prof. Dr. Gerard van den Berg (University of Groningen) (21 June 2023)
Alberto Marcato “Lights and Shadows of Employer Concentration: On-the-Job Training and Wages” (Bocconi University) (20 June 2023)
Dr. Claus Michelsen "An Estimation and Decomposition of the Government Investment Multiplier" (Leuphana University Lüneburg) (13 June 2023)
Maximilian Pöhnlein "Labor Market Effects of EU Enlargement: Municipal Level Evidence from the German-Polish Border" (FAU Nürnberg) (30 May 2023)
Dr. Trine Engh Vattø "Do means-tested childcare subsidies discourage mom and dad from working?“ (Statistics Norway) (22 May 2023)
Prof. Dr. Iris Kesternich „Cash or Care: Insights from the German Long-Term Care System“ (Universität Hamburg)
Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann (University of Basel) (16 May 2023) – Date will be postponed!
Sam Stemper (Harvard University) (09 May 2023)
Dr. Michael Stops „AI skills on the labour market" (IAB) (25 April 2023)
Prof. Dr. Julien Daubanes "Oil Companies' Reserve Sensitivity to the Oil Price” (Geneva School of Ecoomics and Management) (18 April 2023)
Prof. Dr. Boryana Madzharova "Poland's Special Economic Zones: Effects on Regional Economic Development" (FAU Nürnberg) (04 April 2023)
PD Dr. Christian Growitsch (Fraunhofer IMW) (28 March 2023)
Prof. Dr. Colin Green "Beauty, Underage Drinking, and Adolescent Risky Behaviours“ (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) (21 March 2023)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin von Gaudecker "How has the increase in work from home impacted the parental division of labor?“ (Universität Bonn) (13 March 2023)
Prof. Dr. Michael Pollmann "Causal Inference for Spatial Treatments" (Duke University) (07 March 2023)
Dr. Luna Bellani “Information Provision and Support for Inheritance Taxation: Evidence from a Representative Survey Experiment in Germany" (Universität Konstanz) (28 February 2023)
Prof. Dr. Mara Squicciarini "Dealing with Adversity: Religiosity or Science? Evidence from the Great Influenza Pandemic" (Bocconi University) (27 February 2023)
Dr. Yvonne Giesing „Ukrainians’ Resilience to Stay and Return“ (ifo Institut) (06 February 2023)
Prof. Dr. Michael Böhm "Observed Transitions and the Effects of Occupational Change“ (TU Dortmund) (30 January 2023)
Prof. Dr. Davud Rostam-Afschar “Followers or Ignorants? Central Bank Forecasts and Price Setting Behavior of Firms” (Universität Mannheim) (23 January 2023)
Prof. Dr. Kai Nagel "Simulation of measures to reduce the spread of Corona, and resulting thoughts about the evaluation of these measures" (TU Berlin) (13 January 2023)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ottinger “Racial Discrimination in Innovation: Evidence from US Inventors” (CERGE-EI) (28 November 2022)
Prof. Dr. Lena Dräger "Political Shocks and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine“ (Leibniz-Universität Hannover) (07 November 2022)
Prof. Dr. Attila Lindner "Quality Complementarity in Supplier-Client Networks" (University College London) (02 November 2022)
Prof. Dr. Mishel Ghassibe "Endogenous Production Networks and Non-Linear Monetary Transmission" (CREi) (27. October 2022)
Prof. Dr. Martin Kesternich "More Money or Better Procedures? Evidence From an Energy Efficiency Assistance Program" (ZEW) (17 October 2022)
Prof. Dr. Kenneth Gillingham "The Electric Vehicle Rebound Effect" (Yale University) (13 October 2022)
Prof. Dr. Kristina Strohmaier (Universität Duisburg-Essen) (10 October 2022)
Prof. Dr. Michel Serafinelli "The World’s Rust Belts" (University of Essex) (26 September 2022)
Prof. Dr. Julius Andersson "Decarbonisation and the Role of Nuclear Energy: Evidence from France" (Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics) (23 September 2022)
Prof. Dr. Simon Jäger (MIT) (19 September 2022)
Dr. Gerhard Riener "Hidden moral costs of control" (DICE) (12 September 2022)
Dr. Sofía Fernández Guerrico "Flexible Wages and the Costs of Job Displacement" (Université Libre de Bruxelles) (29 August 2022)
Prof. Dr. Astrid Kunze "Parental Leave from the Firm's Perspective" (Norwegian School of Economics) (22 August 2022)
Prof. Dr. Suanna Oh "Does Identity Affect Labor Supply?" (Paris School of Economics) (08 August 2022)
Prof. Dr. Silvia Prina ""Covid-19 and The Labor Market Outcomes of Asian-Americans"" (Northeastern University) (01 August 2022)
Prof. Dr. Meghan Skira "The Response of Firms to Maternity Leave and Sickness Absence" (University of Georgia) (25 July 2022)
Prof. Dr. Fabian Lange "On the Role of Learning, Human Capital, and Performance Incentives for Wages" (McGill University) (21 July 2022)
Prof. Dr. Leander Heldring "Bureaucracy as a Tool for Politicians: evidence from Weimar and Nazi Germany" (Northwestern University) (11 July 2022)
Michael Navarrete "COBOLing Together UI Benefits: How Delays in Fiscal Stabilizers Impact Aggregate Consumption" (University of Maryland) (07 July 2022)
Prof. Dr. Eliza Forsythe "Computerization of White Collar Jobs" (University of Illinois) (07 June 2022)
Prof. Dr. Marco Tabellini "The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States" (Harvard Business School) (25 May 2022)
Prof. Dr. Gulio Zanella "Expanding university access: Lessons from the UK experience in 1960-2004" (University of Bologna) (23 May 2022)
Prof. Dr. Florence Gofette-Nagot "Neighbourhood effects in job search" (GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne) (20 May 2022)
Prof. Dr. Sanne Kruse-Becher (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) (16 May 2022)
Barbara Boelmann (Universität Köln) "Women’s missing mobility and higher education: Evidence from Germany’s university expansion" (13 May 2022)
Dr. Sandra Rozo "Life Out of the Shadows: Impacts of Amnesties in the Lives of Refugees" (World Bank) (04 May 2022)
Prof. Dr. Ludger Schuknecht (AIIB) (28 April 2022)
Prof. Dr. Laura Giuliano "The Longer-Term Impacts of Gifted Education" (UC Santa Cruz) (25 April 2022)
Nicole Wägner "Effectiveness, Spillovers, and Well-Being Effects of Driving Restriction Policies" (DIW) (11 April 2022)
Prof. Dr. Lisa Kahn "Where have all the workers gone? Recalls versus reallocation in the COVID recovery." (University of Rochester) (04 April 2022)
Prof. Dr. Katrina Jessoe "The Long-Run Industry Impacts of Pricing Externalities: Groundwater and Agricultural Land Use" (UC Davis) (28 March 2022)
Dr. Juni Singh (Caltech): "Endogenous Institution: A Network Experiment" (21 February 2022)
Dr. Matteo Gamalerio (University of Barcelona) (24 January 2022)
Prof. Lawrence Kahn (Cornell University) (22. Dezember 2021)
Prof. Dr. Brian Jacob (University of Michigan) (05. November 2021)
Dr. Abu Siddique (Technische Universität München) (25. Oktober 2021)
Prof. Dr. Scott Carrell (UC Davis) (18. Oktober 2021)
Prof. Dr. Ioana Marinescu (University of Pennsylvania) (24. September 2021)
Dr. Johannes König (DIW) (09. August 2021)
Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen (University of Tübingen): “The effects of the German minimum wage on the distribution of hourly wages and hours worked” (02. August 2021)
Prof. Dr. Costanza Naguib (University of Bern): "Estimating the Heterogeneous Effects of Opening the Borders with Causal Forests" (19. Juli 2021)
Prof. Dr. Verena Tiefenbeck (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg): “Using digital nudges to encourage healthier food product choices in online stores” (05. Juli 2021)
Prof. Dr. Ethan Lewis (Dartmouth College): „New Technologies, Productivity, and Jobs: The (Heterogeneous) Effects of Electrification on US Manufacturing” (28. Juni 2021, virtuell)
Prof. Dr. Nathan Fiala (University of Connecticut, RWI): "Taking soft skills training to scale: Evidence on business and labor market outcomes in Tanzania" (14. Juni 2021)
Prof. Dr. Paul J. Ferraro (Johns Hopkins University): "Questionable research practices and subsequent replicability crisis in environmental and resource economics." (07. Juni 2021)
Prof. Dr. Michael Pflüger (Universität Würzburg) (31. Mai 2021)
Anna Stansbury (Harvard University): "Employer Concentration and Outside Options" (17. Mai 2021)
Barbara Boelmann (CReAM, Universität Köln): "Wind of Change? Cultural Determinants of Maternal Labor Supply" (10. Mai 2021)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Siegloch (ZEW, Universität Mannheim): „Welfare Effects of Property Taxes“ (03. Mai 2021)
Dr. Madeleine Gelblum (Facebook): "Preferences for Job Tasks and Gender Gaps in the Labor Market" (23. April 2021, virtuell)
Dr. Anja Bauer (IAB): "Lockdown length and strength: labour-market effects in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic" (12. April 2021)
Prof. Dr. Francisco Cabrera-Hernández (University of Monterrey): "Women as caregivers: Full - Time Schools and Grand-Mothers’ Labour Supply" (09. April 2021)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dauth (Universität Würzburg): „Matching in Cities" (29. März 2021)
Dr. Rosa Sanchis-Guarner (Queen Mary University London): „Home Broadband and Human Capital Formation“ (15. März 2021)
Louis-Pierre Lepage (University of Michigan): "Discrimination and Segregation in the Real Estate Market: Evidence from Terrorist Attacks and Mosques" (08. März 2021)
Prof. Dr. María Padilla-Romo (University of Tennessee) (26. Februar 2021)
Prof. Dr. Zohal Hessami (RUB): "Women as Policymakers in Deliberative Bodies" (22. Februar 2021)
Prof. Dr. Markus Nagler (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): "Can Peer Mentoring Improve Online Teaching Effectiveness? An RCT During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (15. Februar 2021)
Dr. Franz Westermaier (Universität Wuppertal): "Young labels die hard - Effects of school starting age on special needs diagnosis" (11. Dezember 2020, virtuell)
Dr. Gaspare Tortorici (Universität Heidelberg): "International Migration Responses to the 1908 Messina-Reggio Calabria Earthquake" (07. Dezember 2020, virtuell)
Dr. Sylvi Rzepka (Universität Potsdam): „Goal-setting in a Blended Learning Environment“ (30. November 2020, virtuell)
Prof. Dr. Dominik Sachs (LMU München): „The Indirect Fiscal Benefits of Low-Skilled Immigration“ (16. November 2020)
Prof. Dr. Jesse Bruhn (Brown University): "The Geography of Gang Violence" (13. November 2020, virtuell)
Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Carrieri (Magna Graecia University): "Health’s kitchen: Effects of media exposure on health behaviors" (06. November 2020, virtuell)
Dr. Ludger Schuknecht (OECD): "The Political Economy of the G20 Agenda on Financial Regulation" (22. Oktober 2020, virtuell)
Dr. Apostolos Davillas (University of East Anglia): "The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on inequality of opportunity in psychological distress in the UK" (19. Oktober 2020, virtuell)
Prof. Dr. Marco Francesconi (University of Essex) (28. September 2020)
Dr. Anja Bauer (IAB): "History Dependence in Wages and Cyclical Selection: Evidence from Germany" (21. September 2020)
Dr. María Sánchez Vidal (KSNET): “Retail shocks and city structure” (17. Juli 2020)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Frick (Universität Paderborn): "Timing Matters: Worker Absenteeism in a Weekly Backward Rotating Shift System" (13. Juli 2020)
Dr. Wiljan van den Berge (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis) (20. April 2020)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauernschuster (Universität Passau): “Speed Limit Enforcement and Road Safety: Evidence from German Blitzmarathons” (10. Februar 2020)
Prof. Dr. Melanie Luhrmann (Royal Holloway, University of London): „Effect of University Tuition Fees on Teenagers’ Education“ (31. Januar 2020)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kühnle (Universität Duisburg-Essen): „A Journey To Social Inclusion? Evidence on the impact of an intensive housing-led support program for the chronically homeless" (27. Januar 2020)
Prof. Dr. Annaig Morin (Copenhagen Business School) (20. Januar 2020): „Workplace Heterogeneity and Wage Inequality in Denmark”
Dr. Imke Rhoden (Ruhr Universität Bochum): „Innovative Activity over Space and Time“ (16. Januar 2020)
Krystal Lau (13. Januar 2020)