German Heating and Housing Panel
The German Heating and Housing Panel is an annual series of surveys on the heating transition with around 15,000 participating households in Germany. The survey, carried out as part of the Kopernikus project Ariadne (see funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is made up of around 65% owner-occupied households and 35% renters. In addition to detailed information on the building stock, existing heating systems and heating costs as well as socio-economic characteristics of the households, the survey also examines energy modernization measures that have already been carried out or are planned. In addition, the survey records the perception and acceptance of households regarding policy instruments discussed and already introduced in the building sector. The first survey took place in 2021 and the surveys are to be continued until 2026.
The FDZ Ruhr will make the data from the German Heating and Housing Panel available to researchers over time. The data from the first wave from 2021 is currently available. Further information can be found in the link to the respective DOI and in the links to the data set descriptions of the individual data sets.
The data sets are available free of charge for scientific purposes as a Scientific Use File (SUF). For information on data access, please follow this link.
Data Description
FDZ Data description: The German Heating and Housing Panel (GHHP) – Wave 1. Download
Metadata schema
The German Heating and Housing Panel (GHHP) – Wave 1
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