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Declaration of accessibility

Declaration of accessibility

RWI  Leibniz Institute for Economic Research e.V. (RWI) is commited to make its website accessible in accordance with legal requirements.

Compliance with accessibility regulations

This website is partially compliant with BITV 2.0 due to the non-compliances listed below.

Non-accessible content

Contrasts (BITV test, and
The contrasts of various control elements (buttons) are insufficient.

Measures: The website uses a two-level contrast switch to achieve higher contrasts and greyscale on the website.

Graphics (BITV test and

Alternative texts are sometimes missing for graphics.

Measures: The aim is to provide alternative texts for all graphics. In many RWI publications, complex issues are presented graphically. The contents of graphics are dealt with and discussed in the accompanying or surrounding texts of the publications.

Videos with subtitles and alternatives for audio files (BITV test and

Video and audio files used lack subtitles or transcription. The inclusion of subtitles or transcription places a disproportionate burden on the researchers as well as the RWI editorial staff. RWI asks for the understanding of those who should encounter language barriers, especially with regard to technical terminology and relevant scientific expressions.

Words and Sections in Other Languages (BITV test
English headings, texts, words are used on the German language page.

The PDF documents linked on the website are not accessible.

Measures: In future, the aim is to ensure that new documents and publications in PDF format are accessible.

Texts in plain language and German sign language (DGS)
For the description of RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research e.V. and its structure as well as content focus and navigation of the website, texts are written in "Leichter Sprache" LS, literally: easy language). Using easy language and German Sign Language for all content places a disproportionate burden on RWI's researchers and editorial staff. RWI asks those who should encounter language barriers, especially in technical terminology and relevant scientific expressions, to understand and contact us.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This declaration was prepared on 28 March 2022.

The declaration was last reviewed on 30 March 2022.

Feedback and contact

Have you noticed any deficiencies in the accessibility of the content of Please use the following contact options:

RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Hohenzollernstraße 1-3
45128 Essen

Postal address:
Postfach 10 30 54
45030 Essen

Telephone: 0201 / 81 49-0
Telefax: 0201 / 81 49-200