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Pflegeheim Rating Report 2024: Pflege ohne Personal?

The Nursing Home Rating Report 2024 is the ninth report of the series. The main goal is to improve transparency in the German care market - with a focus on inpatient care. The aim is to provide decision-makers at various levels (care homes and their business partners, politicians, health insurers, banks and investors) with empirically verified findings about this market. For the current report, 465 annual financial statements were analyzed, covering a total of 1 844 nursing homes. The official data from the Federal Statistical Office for all 16 100 care homes and 15 400 outpatient services were also analyzed.

As in previous years, this report is supplemented by various additional analyses from experts in the field. Among other things, these analyze the fragile German care system, present future opportunities and point out measures that could help the care sector to make a change. In addition to the worsening economic situation, the articles also address the high bureaucratic hurdles for care homes in the context of the care crisis and the increasing financial burden on residents, analyze the personnel situation and professional mobility of care professions and examine the opportunities and challenges of migrant workers as an instrument to combat the shortage of skilled workers in the care sector.


Currently there are no publications available for this project

Project start:
01. December 2022

Project end:
31. December 2023

Project management:
Dr. Dörte Heger, Dr. Ingo Kolodziej

Project staff:
Henrik Bergschneider, Johannes Hollenbach, Dr. Christiane Wuckel, Prof. Dr. Boris Augurzky