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Fair interregional distribution of costs and benefits of the energy transition (GiVEn) - Concepts, impacts and implementation options for the expansion of energy infrastructure.

For the long-term success of the energy transition, it is crucial that it be designed fairly. At the siting of infrastructure for renewable power generation and distribution. Equity aspects are particularly important due to the spatial variance of associated local costs (e.g., noise emissions)
noise emissions) and benefits (e.g., regional value added) play an important role. This spatial unequal distribution of local effects may contribute to resistance to energy infrastructure projects.
In this context, the project addresses the question of how distributive equity between regions can and should be considered in the management of renewable energy infrastructure development.
and should be considered. For this purpose, it will be worked out how interregional distributive justice can be applied to the spatial expansion of energy infrastructure. infrastructure, which distributional and efficiency effects it leads to in practice, and how it can be and how it can be implemented in regulatory terms.

The project comprises the conceptual elaboration of different equity approaches as well as their their empirical application to the expansion of renewable energy infrastructure in Germany. A survey allows the consideration of public preferences regarding different concepts of justice. 


Currently there are no publications available for this project

Project start:
01. July 2022

Project end:
30. June 2025

Project management:
Dr. Philipp Breidenbach, Dr. Sandra Schaffner, Prof. Dr. Stephan Sommer

Project staff:
Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel, Felix Heuer

Project partners:
UFZ Leipzig, Hochschule Bochum

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz