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Dr. Jochen Dehio

Phone: +49 (0)201 / 81 49-274 |

Publications at RWI | Projects | CV


Jochen Dehio has been a researcher at RWI since January 1995, after having previously worked for about a year at the Institute for European Integration Research. He received his diploma and doctorate from the University of Bonn.

His work focuses on the economics of innovation, technology transfer, the investigation of the effects of new technologies, the evaluation of technology policy measures, the investigation of the determinants of productivity development, the analysis of the economic and environmentally relevant effects of the extraction and use of raw materials, plastics recycling as well as SME and Craft research. In a leading role, Jochen Dehio has, among other things, carried out projects on the loss of employment and added value after the end of coal-fired power generation and prepared the raw materials report for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.