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Dynamische Technologie-Modellierung (Projekt A3 des SFB 823)

Ziel dieses Projekts ist eine bessere Modellierung von Produktionstechnologien, damit Produktionskapazitäten, Outputs und technologische Möglichkeiten, die sich im Zeitablauf verändern, adäquat berücksichtigt werden. Dazu werden nicht-parametrische Methoden wie die Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) oder die neue semi-parametrische Methode der Stochastic Non-smooth Envelopment of Data (StoNED) benutzt. Die Anwendung derartiger Methoden der Effizienzschätzung auf Beispiele aus der Praxis ist vor dem Hintergrund der Energiewende und des damit verbundenen Ausbaus der Stromnetze ein stetig wachsendes Forschungsfeld, etwa bei der Anreizregulierung der Verteil- und Übertragungsnetze für Strom. Darüber hinaus soll die in der laufenden Förderphase begonnene nicht-parametrische Schätzung der Substitutionsbeziehungen mittels DEA-Methoden optimiert werden. Insbesondere sollen neu entwickelte Partial-Frontier-Methoden zur Identifikation von Ausreißern und Glättungsverfahren angewandt werden, um die Schätzung klassischer Substitutionsbeziehungen zu ermöglichen.

Projektbezogener Link:

Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 823

Projektbezogene Publikationen

referierte Artikel

Alberini, A., M. Horvath (2021) All Car Taxes are not Created Equal: Evidence from Germany. Energy Economics100: 105:105329.

Andor, M.A., D.H. Bernstein, S. Sommer (2021) Determining the Efficiency of Residential Electricity Consumption. Empirical Economics60 (6): 2897-2923.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, M. Horvath (2021) Consequentiality, Elicitation Formats, and the Willingness-To-Pay for Green Electricity: Evidence from Germany. Land Economics97 (3): 626-640.

Andor, M.A., C. Parmeter, S. Sommer (2019) Combining Uncertainty with Uncertainty to get Certainty? Efficiency Analysis for Regulation Purposes. European Journal of Operational Research274 (1): 240-252.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, C. Vance (2019) A Focused Information Criterion for Quantile Regression: Evidence for the Rebound Effect. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance71: 223-227.

Grabarczyk, P., M. Wagner, M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2018) A Cointegrating Polynomial Regression Analysis of the Material Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. Resource Policy57: 236-245, 823.

Andor, M.A., C. Parmeter (2017) Pseudolikelihood Estimation of the Stochastic Frontier Model. Applied Economics49 (55): 5651-5661.

Andor, M.A., F. Hesse (2014) The StoNED Age: The Departure into a New Era of Efficiency Analysis? - A Monte Carlo Comparison of StoNED and the 'Oldies' (SFA and DEA). Journal of Productivity Analysis41 (1): 85-109.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2013) Energy Substitution: When Model Selection Depends on the Focus. Energy Economics39: 233-238.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2013) Heterogeneity in the Effect of Home Energy Audits: Theory and Evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics55 (3): 407-418.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2013) On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-part Models. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik233 (1): 22-38.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2012) Choice is Suffering: A Focused Information Criterion for Model Selection. Economic Modelling29 (3): 817-822.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) Iinterpreting the Outcomes of Two-Part-Models. Applied Economics Letters19 (10): 987-992.

Busch, C., C. Vance (2011) The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico's Yucatán. Land Economics87 (4): 682-698.

Frondel, M. (2011) Modeling Energy and Non-Energy Substituion: A Brief Survey of Elasticities. Energy Policy39 (8): 4601-4604.

Schmidt, C.M., H. Tauchmann (2011) Heterogeneity in the Intergenerational Transmission of Alcohol Consumption: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Health Economics30 (1): 33-42.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2010) Fixed, Random, or Something in Between? A Variant of HAUSMAN's Specification Test for Panel Data Estimators. Economics Letters107: 327-329.

Tauchmann, H. (2010) Consistency of Heckman-Type Two-Step Estimators for the Multivariate Sample-Selection Model. Applied Economics42: 3895-3902.


Frondel, M. (2021) Das Klimaschutz-Sofortprogramm von Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen: Mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Emissionen und Gesellschaft. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #21/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., D.A. Niehues, S. Sommer (2021) Wasserverbrauch privater Haushalte in Deutschland: Eine empirische Mikroanalyse. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #16/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Schuberg (2021) Carbon Pricing in Germany's Raod Transport and Housing Sector: Options for Reimbursing Carbon Revenues. SFB 823 Discussion Papers #15/2021. TU Dortmund.

Gerster, A., M.A. Andor, L. Götte (2021) Disaggregate Consumption Feedback and Energy Conservation. SFB 823 Discussion Papers #14/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M. (2021) Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Haushalts-, Gebäude- und Verkehrssektor: Ein kurzer Überblick. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #10/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., G. Kussel, T. Larysch, D. Osberghaus (2021) Climate Policy in Times of the Corona Pandemic: Empirical Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #07/2021. TU Dortmund.

Eßer, J., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2021) Soziale Normen und der Emissionsausgleich bei Flügen: Evidenz für deutsche Haushalte. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #01/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Marggraf, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2020) Reducing Vehicle Cold Start Emissions through Carbon Pricing: Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #34/2020. TU Dortmund

Tomberg, L., K. Smith Stegen, C. Vance (2020) "The mother of all political problems?" On Asylum Seekers and Elections. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #31/2020. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., D.H. Bernstein, S. Sommer (2020) Determining the Efficiency of Residential Electricity Consumption. SFB 823 Discussion Paper # 30/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., K. Kaestner, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2020) Photovoltaics and the Solar Rebound: Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #27/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., T. Thomas (2020) Dekarbonisierung bis zum Jahr 2050? Klimapolitische Maßnahmen und Energieprognosen für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #17/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Kaeding, S. Sommer (2020) Market Premia for Renewables in Germany: The Effect on Electricity Prices. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #13/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M. (2020) CO2-Bepreisung in den Sektoren Verkehr und Wärme: Optionen für eine sozial ausgewogene Ausgestaltung. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #06/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M. (2019) Steuer versus Emissionshandel: Optionen für die Ausgestaltung einer CO2-Bepreisung. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #25/2019. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, A. Gerster, S. Sommer (2019) Cognitive Reflection and the Valuation of Energy Efficiency. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2019. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer, L. Tomberg (2019) WTA-WTP Disparity: The Role of Perceived Realism of the Valuation Setting. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #05/2019. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Horvath, C. Vance, A. Kihm (2018) Increased Market Transparency in Germany's Gasoline Market: The Death of Rockets and Feathers? SFB 823 Discussion Paper #31/2018. TU Dortmund.

Sommer, S. (2018) Switching to Green Electricity: Spillover Effects on Household Consumption. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2018. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., C. Parmeter, S. Sommer (2018) Combining Uncertainty with Uncertainty to get Certainty? Efficiency Analysis for Regulation Purposes. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #23/2018. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Horvath (2018) The U.S. Fracking Boom: Impact on Oil Prices. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #16/2018. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., G. Kussel, S. Sommer (2018) The Price Response of Residential Electricity Demand in Germany: A Dynamic Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #13/2018. TU Dortmund.

Badunenko, O., H. Tauchmann (2018) Simar and Wilson Two-Stage Efficiency Analysis in Stata. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2018. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2018) Equity and the Willingness to Pay for Green Electricity: Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #06/2018. TU Dortmund.

Simora, M., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2017) Does Financial Compensation Increase the Acceptance of Power Lines? Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2017. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer (2017) Der Wert von Versorgungssicherheit mit Strom: Evidenz für deutsche Haushalte. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #21/2017. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., K. Fels (2017) Behavioral Economics and Energy Conservation - A systematic Review of Non-Price Interventions and their Casual Effects. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #14/2017. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., O. Kutzschbauch, S. Sommer, S. Traub (2017) Die Gerechtigkeitslücke in der Verteilung der Kosten der Energiewende auf die privaten Haushalte. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2017. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, M. Horvath (2017) Consequentiality and the Willingness-to-Pay for Renewables: Evidence from Germany. SFB Discussion Paper #09/2017. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., C.M. Schmidt, S. Sommer (2017) Climate Change, Population Ageing and Public Spending: Evidence on Individual Preferences. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #4/2017. TU Dortmund.

LeSage, J., C. Vance, Y.-Y. Chih (2016) A Bayesian Heterogeneous Coefficients Spatial Autoregressive Panel Data Model of Retail Fuel Duopoly Pricing. SFB 823 Discussion Paper84/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., P. Grabarczyk, M. Wagner (2016) Integrated Modified OLS Estimation for Cointegrating Polynomial Regressions - with an Application to the Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2-Emisions. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #74/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., P. Grabarczyk, S. Sommer, M. Wagner (2016) A Cointegrated Polynomial Regression Analysis of the Material Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #72/2016. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., A. Gerster, S. Sommer (2016) Consumer Inattention, Heuristic Thinking and the Role of Energy Labels. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #61/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., G. Kussel (2016) Switching on Electricity Demand Response: Evidence for German Households. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #54/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance, M. Wagner (2016) Cycling on the Extensive and Intensive Margin: The Role of Paths and Prices. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #/44/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Simora, S. Sommer (2016) Risk Perception of Climate Change: Empirical Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #33/2016. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2016) Germany's Energiewende: A Tale of Increasing Costs and Decreasing Willingness-to-Pay. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #31/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., A. Gerster, C. Vance (2016) The Power of Mandatory Disclosure: Evidence from the German Housing Market. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #20/2016. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., C. Parmeter (2016) Pseudolikelihood Estimation of the Stochastic Frontier Model. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #07/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., F. Martinez Flores, C. Vance (2016) Heterogeneous Rebound Effects: Comparing Estimates from Discrete-Continuous Models. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer, C. Vance (2015) Heterogeneity in Residential Electricity Consumption: A Quantile Regression Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #39/2015. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M, C. Vance, A. Kihm (2015) Time Lags in the Pass-Through of Crude-Oil Prices: Big Data Evidence from the German Gasoline Market. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2015. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2015) Reforming the EU Emissions Trading System: An Alternative to the Market Stability Reserve. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #19/2015. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2015) Mitigating Hypthetical Bias: Evidence on the Effects of Corrective from a Large Field Study. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2015. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer, C. Vance (2015) The Burden of Germany's Energy Transition: An Empirical Analysis of Distributional Effects. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2015. TU Dortmund.

Peters, J., C. Strupat, C. Vance (2014) Television and Contraceptive Use in Indonesia - a Weak Signal? SFB 823 Discussion Paper #20/2014. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2014) Zahlungsbereitschaft für grünen Strom: Die Kluft zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #13/2014. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Schubert (2014) So sehen Sieger aus: Evidenz für die 1. Deutsche Fußball-Liga. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #08/2014. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., A. Voss (2014) Optimal Renewable-Energy Subsidies. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #06/2014. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2014) Measuring Asymmetry: A Recommendation. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #03/2014.TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2013) For Efficiency, Tax Energy. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #42/2013. TU Dortmund

Frondel, M., C.M. Schmidt (2013) A Measure of a Nation's Physical Energy Supply Risk. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #40/2013. TU Dortmund.

Tauchmann, H. (2013) Lee's Treatment Effect Bounds for Non-Random Sample Selection - an Implementation in Stata. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #35/2013. TU Dortmund.

Keller, R., C. Vance (2013) Landscape Pattern and Car Use: Linking Household Data with Satellite Imagery. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #32/2013. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-Part-Models. Ruhr Economic Paper #309. RWI.

Schmitz, H., H. Tauchmann (2012) Factor Substitution in Hospitals: a DEA Based Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #41/2012. TU Dortmund.

Reichert, A., H. Tauchmann (2012) When Outcome Heterogenously Matters for Selection: A Generalized Selection Correction Estimator. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #40/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., N. Ritter, C.M. Schmidt (2012) Measuring Long-Term Energy Supply Risks: A G7 Ranking. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #28/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) Asymmetry: Resurrecting the Roots. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #14/2012. TU Dortmund.

Iovanna, R., C. Vance (2012) Land Conversion and Market Equilibrium: Insights from a Simulated Landscape. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-Part Models. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #01/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Heterogeneity in the Effect of Home Energy Audits: Theory and Evidence. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #41/2011. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Future Pain at the Diesel Pump? Potential Effects of the European Commission's Energy Taxation Proposal. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #33/2011. TU Dortmund.

Tauchmann, H. (2011) Partial Frontier Efficiency Analysis for Stata. SFB 823 project. TU Dortmund.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2011) Being Focused: When the Purpose of Inference Matters for Model Selection. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #22/2011. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Re-Identifying the Rebound: What About Symmetry? SFB 823 Discussion Paper #18/2011. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Interpreting the Outcomes of Two-Part Models. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2011. TU Dortmund.

Busch, C.B., C. Vance (2011) The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico's Yucatán. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #05/2011. TU Dortmund.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2010) Choice is Suffering: A Focused Information Criterion for Model Selection. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #42/2010. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., (2010) Substitution Elasticities: A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #33/2010. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., N. Ritter, C. Vance (2010) Heterogeneity in the Rebound: A Quantile-Regression Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #29/2010. TU Dortmund.

Schmidt, C.M., H. Tauchmann (2010) Heterogeneity in the Integenerational Transmision of Alcohol Consumption: a Quantile Regression Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #19/2010. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2010) Fixed, Random, or Something in Between? A Variant of HAUSMAN's Specification Test for Panel Data Estimators. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2010. TU Dortmund.


Aktuell liegen für dieses Projekt keine Publikationen vor

01. Juli 2009

31. Dezember 2021

Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christoph M. Schmidt

Prof. Dr. Mark A. Andor, Harald Tauchmann, Prof. Colin Vance Ph.D.

Technische Universität Dortmund, Hochschule Bochum

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft