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Dynamic Technology Modelling (Project A3 of SFB 823)

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Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 823

Project-related publications

Peer-reviewed articles

Alberini, A., M. Horvath (2021) All Car Taxes are not Created Equal: Evidence from Germany. Energy Economics100: 105:105329.

Andor, M.A., D.H. Bernstein, S. Sommer (2021) Determining the Efficiency of Residential Electricity Consumption. Empirical Economics60 (6): 2897-2923.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, M. Horvath (2021) Consequentiality, Elicitation Formats, and the Willingness-To-Pay for Green Electricity: Evidence from Germany. Land Economics97 (3): 626-640.

Andor, M.A., C. Parmeter, S. Sommer (2019) Combining Uncertainty with Uncertainty to get Certainty? Efficiency Analysis for Regulation Purposes. European Journal of Operational Research274 (1): 240-252.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, C. Vance (2019) A Focused Information Criterion for Quantile Regression: Evidence for the Rebound Effect. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance71: 223-227.

Grabarczyk, P., M. Wagner, M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2018) A Cointegrating Polynomial Regression Analysis of the Material Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. Resource Policy57: 236-245, 823.

Andor, M.A., C. Parmeter (2017) Pseudolikelihood Estimation of the Stochastic Frontier Model. Applied Economics49 (55): 5651-5661.

Andor, M.A., F. Hesse (2014) The StoNED Age: The Departure into a New Era of Efficiency Analysis? - A Monte Carlo Comparison of StoNED and the 'Oldies' (SFA and DEA). Journal of Productivity Analysis41 (1): 85-109.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2013) Energy Substitution: When Model Selection Depends on the Focus. Energy Economics39: 233-238.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2013) Heterogeneity in the Effect of Home Energy Audits: Theory and Evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics55 (3): 407-418.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2013) On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-part Models. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik233 (1): 22-38.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2012) Choice is Suffering: A Focused Information Criterion for Model Selection. Economic Modelling29 (3): 817-822.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) Iinterpreting the Outcomes of Two-Part-Models. Applied Economics Letters19 (10): 987-992.

Busch, C., C. Vance (2011) The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico's Yucatán. Land Economics87 (4): 682-698.

Frondel, M. (2011) Modeling Energy and Non-Energy Substituion: A Brief Survey of Elasticities. Energy Policy39 (8): 4601-4604.

Schmidt, C.M., H. Tauchmann (2011) Heterogeneity in the Intergenerational Transmission of Alcohol Consumption: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Health Economics30 (1): 33-42.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2010) Fixed, Random, or Something in Between? A Variant of HAUSMAN's Specification Test for Panel Data Estimators. Economics Letters107: 327-329.

Tauchmann, H. (2010) Consistency of Heckman-Type Two-Step Estimators for the Multivariate Sample-Selection Model. Applied Economics42: 3895-3902.

Discussion papers

Frondel, M. (2021) Das Klimaschutz-Sofortprogramm von Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen: Mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Emissionen und Gesellschaft. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #21/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., D.A. Niehues, S. Sommer (2021) Wasserverbrauch privater Haushalte in Deutschland: Eine empirische Mikroanalyse. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #16/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Schuberg (2021) Carbon Pricing in Germany's Raod Transport and Housing Sector: Options for Reimbursing Carbon Revenues. SFB 823 Discussion Papers #15/2021. TU Dortmund.

Gerster, A., M.A. Andor, L. Götte (2021) Disaggregate Consumption Feedback and Energy Conservation. SFB 823 Discussion Papers #14/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M. (2021) Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Haushalts-, Gebäude- und Verkehrssektor: Ein kurzer Überblick. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #10/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., G. Kussel, T. Larysch, D. Osberghaus (2021) Climate Policy in Times of the Corona Pandemic: Empirical Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #07/2021. TU Dortmund.

Eßer, J., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2021) Soziale Normen und der Emissionsausgleich bei Flügen: Evidenz für deutsche Haushalte. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #01/2021. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Marggraf, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2020) Reducing Vehicle Cold Start Emissions through Carbon Pricing: Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #34/2020. TU Dortmund

Tomberg, L., K. Smith Stegen, C. Vance (2020) "The mother of all political problems?" On Asylum Seekers and Elections. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #31/2020. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., D.H. Bernstein, S. Sommer (2020) Determining the Efficiency of Residential Electricity Consumption. SFB 823 Discussion Paper # 30/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., K. Kaestner, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2020) Photovoltaics and the Solar Rebound: Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #27/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., T. Thomas (2020) Dekarbonisierung bis zum Jahr 2050? Klimapolitische Maßnahmen und Energieprognosen für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #17/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Kaeding, S. Sommer (2020) Market Premia for Renewables in Germany: The Effect on Electricity Prices. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #13/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M. (2020) CO2-Bepreisung in den Sektoren Verkehr und Wärme: Optionen für eine sozial ausgewogene Ausgestaltung. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #06/2020. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M. (2019) Steuer versus Emissionshandel: Optionen für die Ausgestaltung einer CO2-Bepreisung. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #25/2019. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, A. Gerster, S. Sommer (2019) Cognitive Reflection and the Valuation of Energy Efficiency. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2019. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer, L. Tomberg (2019) WTA-WTP Disparity: The Role of Perceived Realism of the Valuation Setting. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #05/2019. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Horvath, C. Vance, A. Kihm (2018) Increased Market Transparency in Germany's Gasoline Market: The Death of Rockets and Feathers? SFB 823 Discussion Paper #31/2018. TU Dortmund.

Sommer, S. (2018) Switching to Green Electricity: Spillover Effects on Household Consumption. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2018. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., C. Parmeter, S. Sommer (2018) Combining Uncertainty with Uncertainty to get Certainty? Efficiency Analysis for Regulation Purposes. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #23/2018. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Horvath (2018) The U.S. Fracking Boom: Impact on Oil Prices. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #16/2018. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., G. Kussel, S. Sommer (2018) The Price Response of Residential Electricity Demand in Germany: A Dynamic Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #13/2018. TU Dortmund.

Badunenko, O., H. Tauchmann (2018) Simar and Wilson Two-Stage Efficiency Analysis in Stata. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2018. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2018) Equity and the Willingness to Pay for Green Electricity: Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #06/2018. TU Dortmund.

Simora, M., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2017) Does Financial Compensation Increase the Acceptance of Power Lines? Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2017. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer (2017) Der Wert von Versorgungssicherheit mit Strom: Evidenz für deutsche Haushalte. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #21/2017. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., K. Fels (2017) Behavioral Economics and Energy Conservation - A systematic Review of Non-Price Interventions and their Casual Effects. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #14/2017. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., O. Kutzschbauch, S. Sommer, S. Traub (2017) Die Gerechtigkeitslücke in der Verteilung der Kosten der Energiewende auf die privaten Haushalte. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2017. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, M. Horvath (2017) Consequentiality and the Willingness-to-Pay for Renewables: Evidence from Germany. SFB Discussion Paper #09/2017. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., C.M. Schmidt, S. Sommer (2017) Climate Change, Population Ageing and Public Spending: Evidence on Individual Preferences. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #4/2017. TU Dortmund.

LeSage, J., C. Vance, Y.-Y. Chih (2016) A Bayesian Heterogeneous Coefficients Spatial Autoregressive Panel Data Model of Retail Fuel Duopoly Pricing. SFB 823 Discussion Paper84/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., P. Grabarczyk, M. Wagner (2016) Integrated Modified OLS Estimation for Cointegrating Polynomial Regressions - with an Application to the Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2-Emisions. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #74/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., P. Grabarczyk, S. Sommer, M. Wagner (2016) A Cointegrated Polynomial Regression Analysis of the Material Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #72/2016. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., A. Gerster, S. Sommer (2016) Consumer Inattention, Heuristic Thinking and the Role of Energy Labels. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #61/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., G. Kussel (2016) Switching on Electricity Demand Response: Evidence for German Households. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #54/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance, M. Wagner (2016) Cycling on the Extensive and Intensive Margin: The Role of Paths and Prices. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #/44/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., M. Simora, S. Sommer (2016) Risk Perception of Climate Change: Empirical Evidence from Germany. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #33/2016. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2016) Germany's Energiewende: A Tale of Increasing Costs and Decreasing Willingness-to-Pay. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #31/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., A. Gerster, C. Vance (2016) The Power of Mandatory Disclosure: Evidence from the German Housing Market. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #20/2016. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., C. Parmeter (2016) Pseudolikelihood Estimation of the Stochastic Frontier Model. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #07/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., F. Martinez Flores, C. Vance (2016) Heterogeneous Rebound Effects: Comparing Estimates from Discrete-Continuous Models. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2016. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer, C. Vance (2015) Heterogeneity in Residential Electricity Consumption: A Quantile Regression Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #39/2015. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M, C. Vance, A. Kihm (2015) Time Lags in the Pass-Through of Crude-Oil Prices: Big Data Evidence from the German Gasoline Market. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #24/2015. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2015) Reforming the EU Emissions Trading System: An Alternative to the Market Stability Reserve. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #19/2015. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2015) Mitigating Hypthetical Bias: Evidence on the Effects of Corrective from a Large Field Study. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2015. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Sommer, C. Vance (2015) The Burden of Germany's Energy Transition: An Empirical Analysis of Distributional Effects. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2015. TU Dortmund.

Peters, J., C. Strupat, C. Vance (2014) Television and Contraceptive Use in Indonesia - a Weak Signal? SFB 823 Discussion Paper #20/2014. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M.A., M. Frondel, C. Vance (2014) Zahlungsbereitschaft für grünen Strom: Die Kluft zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #13/2014. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., S. Schubert (2014) So sehen Sieger aus: Evidenz für die 1. Deutsche Fußball-Liga. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #08/2014. TU Dortmund.

Andor, M., A. Voss (2014) Optimal Renewable-Energy Subsidies. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #06/2014. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2014) Measuring Asymmetry: A Recommendation. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #03/2014.TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2013) For Efficiency, Tax Energy. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #42/2013. TU Dortmund

Frondel, M., C.M. Schmidt (2013) A Measure of a Nation's Physical Energy Supply Risk. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #40/2013. TU Dortmund.

Tauchmann, H. (2013) Lee's Treatment Effect Bounds for Non-Random Sample Selection - an Implementation in Stata. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #35/2013. TU Dortmund.

Keller, R., C. Vance (2013) Landscape Pattern and Car Use: Linking Household Data with Satellite Imagery. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #32/2013. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-Part-Models. Ruhr Economic Paper #309. RWI.

Schmitz, H., H. Tauchmann (2012) Factor Substitution in Hospitals: a DEA Based Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #41/2012. TU Dortmund.

Reichert, A., H. Tauchmann (2012) When Outcome Heterogenously Matters for Selection: A Generalized Selection Correction Estimator. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #40/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., N. Ritter, C.M. Schmidt (2012) Measuring Long-Term Energy Supply Risks: A G7 Ranking. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #28/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) Asymmetry: Resurrecting the Roots. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #14/2012. TU Dortmund.

Iovanna, R., C. Vance (2012) Land Conversion and Market Equilibrium: Insights from a Simulated Landscape. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2012) On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-Part Models. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #01/2012. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Heterogeneity in the Effect of Home Energy Audits: Theory and Evidence. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #41/2011. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Future Pain at the Diesel Pump? Potential Effects of the European Commission's Energy Taxation Proposal. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #33/2011. TU Dortmund.

Tauchmann, H. (2011) Partial Frontier Efficiency Analysis for Stata. SFB 823 project. TU Dortmund.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2011) Being Focused: When the Purpose of Inference Matters for Model Selection. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #22/2011. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Re-Identifying the Rebound: What About Symmetry? SFB 823 Discussion Paper #18/2011. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2011) Interpreting the Outcomes of Two-Part Models. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #11/2011. TU Dortmund.

Busch, C.B., C. Vance (2011) The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation: Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico's Yucatán. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #05/2011. TU Dortmund.

Behl, P., H. Dette, M. Frondel, H. Tauchmann (2010) Choice is Suffering: A Focused Information Criterion for Model Selection. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #42/2010. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., (2010) Substitution Elasticities: A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #33/2010. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., N. Ritter, C. Vance (2010) Heterogeneity in the Rebound: A Quantile-Regression Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #29/2010. TU Dortmund.

Schmidt, C.M., H. Tauchmann (2010) Heterogeneity in the Integenerational Transmision of Alcohol Consumption: a Quantile Regression Approach. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #19/2010. TU Dortmund.

Frondel, M., C. Vance (2010) Fixed, Random, or Something in Between? A Variant of HAUSMAN's Specification Test for Panel Data Estimators. SFB 823 Discussion Paper #02/2010. TU Dortmund.


Currently there are no publications available for this project

Project start:
01. July 2009

Project end:
31. December 2021

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christoph M. Schmidt

Project staff:
Prof. Dr. Mark A. Andor, Harald Tauchmann, Prof. Colin Vance Ph.D.

Project partners:
Technische Universität Dortmund, Hochschule Bochum

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft