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Ronald Bachmann, Bernhard Boockmann, Philipp Kugler, Paula Roth, Christina Vonnahme, Jan Simon Wiemann

Untersuchung internationaler Dateninnovationen in der Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik

Erstellt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales Finanziert im Rahmen des BMAS-Datenlabors durch Mittel der Europäischen Union („NextGenerationEU“)

This study aims to identify and describe international best practices of an innovative use of data in labour market and social policy. In particular, data innovations that are transferable to the German context are of interest. Hence, the conditions of a transfer to Germany are also described. The innovations discussed cover the entire range of topics of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, i.e. labour market and employment policy, including vocational training, social insurance and old-age provision, as well as social participation. The reports written for each of the data innovations are based on findings from expert interviews, an international research network and a literature review covering public offices, research institutions and data producers. The spectrum of relevant innovations ranges from procedures in the area of data generation to processes of data preparation and linking to methods and technologies in the area of Machine Learning as well as Natural Language Processing.

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS)

ISSN: 0174-4992

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