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The Effects of Technological Change on Jobs, Employment and Expectations

This research project aims at investigating how the polarization of jobs and wages – as established by the economic literature for a number of countries, particularly the US – has been evolving in Germany during the last four decades. In doing so, we focus on both the risks of technological progress, e.g. job destruction and wage losses, and the opportunities, e.g. job creation and wage gains at both the upper and the lower end of the wage distribution. The analyses take into account the regional dimension as well as the role of specific technologies and expectations.

DFG Priority Programme 2267: The Digitalisation of Working Worlds

Project start:
01. October 2020

Project end:
30. September 2023

Project management:
Dr. Bernhard Schmidpeter, Prof. Dr. Ronald Bachmann

Project staff:
Roman Klauser, Gökay Demir, Myrielle Gonschor

Project partners:
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Essex, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft