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Mobility Data for the Verkehrswende (Transportation Transformation)

In cooperation with Innoz/WZB, we investigate the mobility behavior of households in Germany by means of household surveys and a field experiment. Coupling the framework of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) with data collected via mobile app, we analyze transport policy interventions based on the observed transport behavior of a large number of people. Econometric panel methods and experiments within the household surveys allow us to examine attitudes and preferences of the households and the determinants of their decision making. Several measures will be investigated, including the role of traffic infrastructure, the supply and utilization of public transport, as well as the acceptance of new infrastructure policies. The results of this project will be used to formulate policy recommendations for promoting sustainable, climate-friendly transport behavior.


Currently there are no publications available for this project

Project start:
01. August 2017

Project end:
31. July 2020

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Mark Andor, Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel

Project staff:
Prof. Dr. Manuel Frondel, Dr. Marco Horvath

Project partners:
Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung

Stiftung Mercator