Mark A. Andor is Professor of “Behavioral and Environmental Economics” at the University of Bochum (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, RUB), co-heads the research department “Environment and Resources” and heads the research group “Prosocial Behavior” at RWI. Mark has many years of experience in the acquisition, processing and management of research projects, including for the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), the European Commission, state and federal ministries (e.g. for the BMBF and BMWK) and other scientific funding organizations such as the Mercator Foundation and acatech.
In particular, he conducts randomized controlled field studies and large household surveys. His research interests include the study of prosocial behavior, experimental and behavioral economics, applied econometrics and environmental, resource, transport and energy economics as well as efficiency and productivity analysis.
He has published in numerous international peer-reviewed journals, including leading interdisciplinary scientific journals such as Nature and Nature Energy as well as high-ranking economic journals such as European Economic Review, European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.