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Expertise on comparing datasets for analyzing labour market transitions

The expertise aims at exploring which data sets are suitable to analyse transitions between different labour market states within evaluation studies of the labour market consequences of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage in Germany. We consider the following data sets: The Integrated Labour Market Biographies (IEB), the Socio?economic Panel (SOEP), the Panel Study “Labour Market and Social Security” (PASS), the Microcensus, and the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). In doing so, we investigate, among other things, to which extent different labour market states can be identified, whether the number of observations make the analysis of transitions possible, and which modifications to the data are imaginable to overcome potential restrictions with respect to the analysis of labour market transitions.

Project start:
01. April 2017

Project end:
31. January 2018

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Ronald Bachmann

Project staff:
Merve Cim, Rahel Felder, Dr. Hanna Frings, Dr. Marcus Tamm, Dr. Sandra Schaffner

Project partners:
Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung

Geschäfts- und Informationsstelle für den Mindestlohn/BAuA