Energy savings in private households - a Randomized-Controlled Trial to evaluate the effect of end-user sensibilisation
In industrialized countries, the reduction of energy consumption is one of the key measures to reach the international goals on carbon emissions reductions. This fact is also reflected in the specific energy policy targets of e.g. the European Union and Germany, who committed to reducing the primary energy consumption by 20 per cent until 2020. However, despite a plethora of measures that aim at increasing energy efficiency and reducing consumption levels, this target presumably will not be reached without additional measures. The potential of conventional instruments for additional reductions of energy consumption, such as taxes or standards, seems to be limited, given the rather high energy prices and the measures already implemented. Accordingly, the focus has shifted towards alternative instruments that rely on non-pecuniary mechanisms. This research project aims at measuring the effect of non-pecuniary instruments on electricity consumption of private households. In cooperation with numerous utilities, we conduct a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to analyze the effect of different information treatments that aim at increasing consumer awareness.
Project-related publications
RWI (2017) Energiesparen in privaten Haushalten- Ein Randomized Controlled Trial zur Wirkungsevaluierung einer Endverbrauchersensibilisierung. RWI Projektberichte.
Project start:
01. January 2014
Project end:
30. September 2016
Project staff:
Prof. Dr. Mark A. Andor,
Prof. Dr. Jörg Peters,
Michael Simora, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Christoph M. Schmidt
Project partners:
E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH,
oekostrom AG für Energieerzeugung und -handel,
Städtische Werke AG,
Brandseven GmbH und Co. KG,
Grünspar GmbH,
Verbraucherzentrale NRW e.V.
Stiftung Mercator