Deep Transformation Scenarios for Informing the Climate Policy Discourse (DIPOL) – WP3: Socio-economic implications of the transformation process
The Paris Agreement sets strong targets to prevent dangerous climate change and keep global mean temperature increase to well below 2°C. As explained by the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C, “limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society”. Two milestones are particularly relevant for Germany and Europe: (i) the 2030 emissions reduction targets determining the speed of replacement of fossil fuel-based energy consumption with renewable based energy, and (ii) the mid-century transformation targets towards the long-term goal of an emissions neutral economy. The project "Deep Transformation Scenarios for Informing the Climate Policy Discourse" (DIPOL) aims to develop climate change mitigation pathways for Germany and Europe that are consistent with these targets. As the achievement of the Paris objectives requires a holistic approach that involves all societal actors, the DIPOL project brings together the scientific community with key stakeholders from policy making, business and civil society to develop a set of “pathway visions” that incorporate stakeholder perspectives and are aligned with the Paris Agreement. DIPOL will formulate concrete visions of transformation pathways, which are consistent with climate commitments and at the same time socially viable. These transformation pathways shall support decision-making processes and provide a direct contribution to various climate policy processes, including those related to the German Climate Action Plan 2050, the EU Decarbonization Pathways Initiative (EDPI) and the 2050 Pathways Platform of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as well as the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC.
Project start:
01. September 2018
Project end:
31. January 2022
Project management:
Prof. Colin Vance Ph.D.
Project staff:
Dr. Annekathrin Schoofs, Kathrin Kaestner
Project partners:
adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung