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Accompanying evaluation of the structural change in hospital care caused by the governmental funding according to § 14 KHG

With the Hospital Structure Act (KHSG), which entered into force on 1 January 2016, existing overcapacity in the German hospital sector is addressed for the first time. One key element of the KHSG is a structural fund, which specifically provides incentives for the reduction of overcapacities in the hospital sector, the concentration of hospital sites as well as the conversion of hospitals into non-acute local facilities or other needed disciplines. The aim is to create a hospital structure that is prepared for the upcoming challenges in the health care sector. Whether the structural fund achieves this goal will be evaluated over a period of several years in this scientific study.


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Project management:
Dr. Dörte Heger, Anne Mensen

Project staff:
Anna Werbeck, Prof. Dr. Boris Augurzky

Bundesamt für Soziale Sicherung