Finanzielle Kompetenzen und Defizite in Deutschland – eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme
Financial competencies and deficits in Germany – a current review
The requirements for financial literacy among the population continue to rise for a number of reasons. Using the dataset “Panel on Household Finances”, this study shows that Germany generally has a relatively high level of financial literacy; nevertheless, there is room for improvement here. This is particularly true for certain socio-demographic groups such as women, people with an immigrant background and financially weak households. This gives rise to a need for action, which is discussed for various fields. In particular, it is recommended to integrate financial education more strongly into school curricula, to improve teacher training in this area, to strengthen educational and information offerings for adults and to increase the transparency of financial and insurance products.
Bachmann, R., C. Rulff and C. Schmidt (2021), Finanzielle Kompetenzen und Defizite in Deutschland – eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme: Financial competencies and deficits in Germany – a current review. List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 47, 111-132