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RWI Projektberichte


Ronald Bachmann, Fernanda Martínez-Flores, Christian Rulff

Die Lohnlücke in der Zeitarbeit - eine empirische Analyse auf Grundlage von BA-Daten und der Verdienststrukturerhebung

Studie für die iGZ-Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Endbericht 04. Mai 2022

This research project examines the wage gap between individuals employed within and outside temporary employment. The following two data sets produce different results: The Integrated Employment Biographies (IEB) of the Institute for Employment Research at the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and the Earnings Structure Survey (VSE) of the Federal Statistical Office. In addition to documenting the reasons for these different results and analyzing the extent to which conceptual differences between the data sets can explain the differences, a detailed statistical analysis will be used to investigate the reasons for the differences. Finally, suggestions will be made for a meaningful presentation of the wage gaps calculated from the two data sets.