RWI/ISL Container Throughput Index: Increasing Container Throughput indicates Easing of Tension of disturbed Supply Chains
The essence in a nutshell:
- The Container Throughput Index of RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute for Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) recorded a seasonally adjusted increase in August from 126.5 (revised) to 127.4 points.
- After taking a short break in July, the container throughput in Chinese ports continues to recover further from the lockdowns. The index for Chinese ports increased from 137.1 to 139.5 points.
- The North Range Index, an indicator for economic development in northern Europe and Germany, recorded an especially remarkable increase in August from 111.5 (revised) to 115.2 points.
- The RWI/ISL Container Throughput Index for the month of September 2022 will be published on October 28th, 2022.
Commenting on the development of the Container Throughput Index, RWI’s head of economic research Torsten Schmidt says: “Despite a weakening world economy, the container throughput in August has increased. The especially strong increase in European ports indicates that the pressures on the supply chains are easing up.”
About the RWI/ISL- Container Throughput Index:
The RWI/ISL Container Throughput Index consists of container throughput data from 94 international ports gathered continuously by the ISL Monthly Container Port Monitor as part of its market observation. These ports account for approximately 62 percent of global container traffic. The current flash estimate for the Container Throughput Index is based on data from about 93 percent of the total index displayed here. As international trade is handled primarily by sea, reliable conclusions can be drawn here from container port throughput data. Furthermore, the index is a reliable early indicator of international trade of manufactured goods as well as global economic activity as most ports already report their activities within two weeks after the end of each month. The container throughput index is part of the statistics on foreign trade in the „Dashboard Deutschland“ of the Federal Statistical Office.
Data series for individual ports are available in the ISL Monthly Container Port Monitor.
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt, Tel.: +49 (0) 201 8149-287,
Sabine Weiler (Communications), Tel.: +49 (0) 201 8149-213,
Data Container Throughput Index and North Range Index
Graphic Container Throughput Index in printable resolution
RWI/ISL Container Throughput Index: Nordrange