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IZA World of Labor

Does government spending crowd out voluntary labor and donations?

Private charitable contributions play an essential role in most economies. Despite the existence of welfare states, people contribute money and supply volunteer labor to charity. From a policy perspective, there is concern that comprehensive government spending might crowd out these private charitable donations. If perfect crowding out occurs, then every dollar spent by the government will lead to a one-for-one decrease in private spending, leaving the total level of welfare unaltered. Understanding the magnitude and causes of crowding out is crucial, as it represents a hidden cost to public spending and can thus have significant impacts on public welfare. An updated version of this article can be found under the following DOI: 10.15185/izawol.299.v2

Bredtmann, J. (2016), Does government spending crowd out voluntary labor and donations?. IZA World of Labor, 299.

DOI: 10.15185/izawol.299