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International Journal of Water Resources Development

Water savings from urban infrastructure improvement and wastewater reuse: evidence from Jordan

Jordan is extremely water scarce, making careful water resources planning and management essential. This study considers the water-supply-enhancing effects of a significant urban investment, the Jordan Compact, that supports Jordan’s national objective of enhanced water reuse and efficiency. Analysis using a Water Evaluation and Planning model suggests that the Compact generated substantial water savings (averaging 7–8 MCM/y), easing shortages in urban Zarqa and Amman, as well as among irrigators in the Jordan Valley. Though the impacts appear to have fallen short of pre-Compact expectations, policy makers should consider similar improvements to ease water constraints, while incentivizing efficient water utilization.

Jeuland, M., M. Moffa und A. Alfarra (2021), Water savings from urban infrastructure improvement and wastewater reuse: evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 37, 6, 976-995

DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2020.1860915