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Education Economics

Occupational Mismatch of Immigrants in Europe: The Role of Education and Cognitive Skills

Occupational mismatch is a widespread phenomenon among immigrants in many European countries. Mismatch is predominantly measured in terms of formal education ignoring the imperfect comparability of international educational degrees. Exploiting internationally comparable cognitive skill measures from the PIAAC data, we examine whether overeducation implies only an apparent phenomenon or a genuine overqualification observed also in the form of cognitive overskilling. Our results for 11 European countries show significant differences in the incidence of formal overeducation and genuine overqualification between immigrants and natives.

Cim, M., M. Kind und J. Kleibrink (2020), Occupational Mismatch of Immigrants in Europe: The Role of Education and Cognitive Skills. Education Economics, 28, 1, 96-112

DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2019.1677558