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Dr. Nils Christian Hoenow

Phone: +49 (0)201 / 81 49-0

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Dr. Nils Christian Hönow has started working with the RWI in July 2021. He is a postdoctoral researcher within the research group for prosocial behavior, which is part of the department “Environment and Resources”.

Before joining the RWI, Christian finished his doctoral thesis “Field Experiments on Cooperation Behavior” at the University of Marburg, Germany. In Marburg, Christian was part of the working group for Development and Cooperative Economics and taught courses on Development as well as Environmental Economics. During his time in Marburg, he conducted several field trips for data collection within the SASSCAL research project in the Kavango region in northern Namibia. For his bachelor’s and master’s studies Christian visited universities in Bonn, Trier, Goettingen and Seoul.

Christian’s research focuses on Development, Environmental and Behavioral Economics.