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Personalfluktuation in deutschen Krankenhäusern: Jeder sechste Mitarbeiter wechselt den Job

Nursing staff is becoming increasingly scarce in German hospitals. For the remaining staff, workload, dissatisfaction and job changes increase, which often aggravate the situation. In this article, we analyse staff turnover in German hospitals for the years 2004 to 2016 based on newly compiled data by the Federal Employment Agency and compare the health care sector with other sectors of the economy. About one in six hospital employees changes her or his job within a year; in the overall economy it is one in three. Job change frequencies of hospital employees have increased over the past few years in almost all federal states. This is almost exclusively caused by the higher fluctuation of nursing staff. By contrast, the rotation rate of doctors is even declining. Improving job conditions for nurses is and remains one of the top priorities on the German health policy agenda.

Pilny, A. and F. Rösel (2021), Personalfluktuation in deutschen Krankenhäusern: Jeder sechste Mitarbeiter wechselt den Job. In Jürgen Klauber, Jürgen Wasem, Andreas Beivers and Carina Mostert (Hrsg.), Krankenhaus-Report 2021: Versorgungsketten – Der Patient im Mittelpunkt. Heidelberg: Springer, 267-275.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-62708-2_15