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Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik

Tarifpluralität fünf Jahre nach dem BAG-Urteil

This article examines the likely effects of a draft bill of the German government which aims at restraining multi-unionism in Germany. We argue that since 2010, when the Federal Labour Court eased restrictions on multi-unionism, hardly any signs of adverse effects of this court ruling can be observed. Furthermore, the draft bill would have strong negative consequences for small, mainly occupation-based, unions in Germany. Therefore, the bill does not seem to be a good instrument for regulating labour relations in Germany.

Bachmann, R. and C. Schmidt (2015), Tarifpluralität fünf Jahre nach dem BAG-Urteil. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 64, 1, 44-54

DOI: 10.1515/zfwp-2015-0105