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RWI Konjunkturberichte


Roland Döhrn

Die Lage am Stahlmarkt: Stabile Stahlkonjunktur in Deutschland

Global crude steel production is heading downward since the end of 2014. Capacity utilization declined further and kept steel prices under pressure. Weak steel demand also seems to be caused by a decoupling of steel consumption and economic growth. Since world output growth is expected to be restrained in 2016 and 2017 and the service sector will continue to gain importance, world steel production is forecasted to stagnate over the forecast horizon. Therefore overcapacities remain a challenge for the sector. Trade restrictions will only cure symptoms, but cannot substitute capacity cuts. In view of the difficult global environment sustained its position. Despite of growing imports and deteriorating export production was stable and capacity utilization remained high. On the one hand the business cycle upswing in Germany is expected to continue, on the other hand growth is little steel intensive since it is borne by private consumption. Therefore, crude steel production is forecasted to be stable. After a decline by 1.2% in 2016 it will increase by 0.2% in 2017.

Döhrn, R. (2016), Die Lage am Stahlmarkt: Stabile Stahlkonjunktur in Deutschland. RWI Konjunkturberichte, 67, 2, 31-42

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