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RWI/ISL Container Throughput Index

Container traffic stagnates at high Level

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Article on VoxUkraine by David Zuchowski

Migration Response to an Immigration Shock: Evidence from Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine

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Is economics self-correcting? Replications in the American Economic Review

New paper by Jörg Ankel-Peters, Nathan Fiala and Florian Neubauer on replications and comments in the AER has now been published in the Economic Inquiry

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Increase in concerns about climate change following climate strikes and civil disobedience in Germany

New article in nature communications by RWI researchers Johannes Brehm und Henri Gruhl

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Tackling the Energy Access and Development Challenge

In Pursuit of Development: Dan Banik and Jörg Ankel-Peters discuss the global challenge of energy poverty, emphasizing the need for innovative energy solutions to provide sustainable and reliable access.

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Headwinds from Germany and abroad: institutes revise forecast significantly downwards

Joint Economic Forecast Spring Report 2024

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New Ruhr Economic Paper by RWI researcher Almut Balleer

Biased Expectations and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from German Survey Data and Implications for the East-West Wage Gap

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