Lectures and Teaching
Lectured Talks 2024
Ebert, C., "BeNA 20 Year Jubilee Conference". Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 03.2024
Ebert, C., "German Development Economics Conference". Leibniz Universität Hannover. 05.2024
Ebert, C., "Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS) Jahrestagung". Technische Universität Berlin. 09.2024
Lectured Talks 2023
Ebert, C., "Alp-Pop Conference 2023". Bocconi University Milano. 01.2023
Ebert, C., "European Economic Association/Econometric Society (EEA/ESEM) ". Barcelona School of Economics. 08.2023
Ebert, C., "16th International Conference on Migration and Development". Boston University Questrom School of Business. 10.2023
Ebert, C., "WATT Workshop "Unveiling Wealth and Income Inequalities"". Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. 10.2023
Other Lectures 2023
Ebert, C., "Research Seminar Health and Population at Leibniz University Hannover". Leibniz Universität Hannover. 07.2023
Ebert, C., "Research Seminar at the Center of Economic Demography at Lund University". Lunds Universitet. 10.2023
Lectured Talks 2022
Ebert, C., "International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) Annual Conference". Videokonferenz. 06.2022
Other Lectures 2022
Ebert, C., "Northwestern Development Economics Lunch Seminar". Northwestern University. 10.2022
Ebert, C., "Northwestern Economic History Lunch Seminar". Northwestern University. 11.2022
Teaching 2022
Ebert, C., "Betreuung Masterarbeit Bukola Da-Silva". Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Lectured Talks 2021
Ebert, C., "29th International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference (IAFE)". Videokonferenz. 06.2021
Ebert, C., "Essen Health Conference 2021 - Where Health meets Labour and Education Economics". Videokonferenz. 05.2021
Ebert, C., "German Development Economics Conference (GDE)". Videokonferenz. 06.2021
Ebert, C., "3rd International Conference on Globalization and Development (CGD)". Videokonferenz. 07.2021
Ebert, C., "Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS)". Videokonferenz. 09.2021
Other Lectures 2021
Ebert, C., and J., Steinert, "Sexualisierte Gewalt an der Hochschule". Videokonferenz. 03.2021
Ebert, C., "Brown bag seminar Stockholm School of Economics". Online. 01.2021
Ebert, C., and J., Steinert, "Equal Care Bremen 2021 – für ein krisenfestes Sorgesystem". Online. 03.2021
Ebert, C., "SPD Niedersachsen Veranstaltungsreihe "Gewalt gegen Frauen"". Online. 03.2021
Ebert, C., "Berlin Colloquium in Economic and Social History". Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 11.2021
Ebert, C., "Büro Berlin Seminar". RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. 11.2021
Ebert, C., "6. Landesweiter "Tag des Opferschutzes" Baden-Württemberg". Videokonferenz. 11.2021
Ebert, C., "Digitale Fachtagung: Gewalt gegen Frauen während der Pandemie in Deutschland und Celle". Videokonferenz. 11.2021
Ebert, C., "Wissenschaftlicher Workshop der Walter-Raymond-Stiftung". Videokonferenz. 12.2021
Teaching 2021
Ebert, C., "Betreuung Masterarbeit Karen Micaela Rosadio Cayllahua". Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Ebert, C., "Betreuung Masterarbeit Meghana Prasad". Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Lectured Talks 2020
Ebert, C., "18th Economy, Feminism and Science Symposium (efas)". Videokonferenz. 12.2020
Other Lectures 2020
Ebert, C., "BMFSFJ & EU Policy Workshop". Videokonferenz. 11.2020
Ebert, C., "Preisträgerworkshop der Joachim Herz Stiftung". Online. 12.2020
Lectured Talks 2019
Ebert, C., "24th Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE)". Université libre de Bruxelles. 04.2019
Ebert, C., "European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society (ESWM)". Erasmus University Rotterdam. 12.2019
Ebert, C., "3rd IZA/HSE Workshop on Skills and Preferences and Labor Market Outcomes in Post-transition and Emerging Economies". Higher School of Economics. 09.2019
Ebert, C., "33rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Population Economists (ESPE)". Apex City of Bath Hotel. 06.2019
Ebert, C., "Annual International Conference of the German Economic Association Research Group on Development Economics „Development Economics and Policy (ICGEA)". Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. 06.2019