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ILR Review

Experimental Evidence on the Long-Term Effects of a Youth Training Program

Identifying the right human capital investments for disadvantaged youths is a key policy concern worldwide, yet almost no rigorous evidence on the long-run effects of these investments exists outside the United States. The authors present a large-scale randomized controlled trial of a youth training program, estimating effects six years after random assignment from a representative sample of more than 3,200 youths. The intervention is prototypical of training programs worldwide and is implemented at scale in the Dominican Republic. Empirical findings indicate, on the one hand, significant effects on formal employment, particularly for men, and on earnings for both men and women in Santo Domingo. On the other hand, no significant effects on overall average employment are evident.

Ibarrarán, P., J. Kluve, L. Ripani and D. Shady (2019), Experimental Evidence on the Long-Term Effects of a Youth Training Program. ILR Review, 72, 1, 185-222

DOI: 10.1177/0019793918768260