Bieten Pflegeheime mit besseren Pflegenoten auch eine bessere Qualität?
Empirische Analyse auf Basis von GKV-Routinedaten
Background In 2009 a new system for the objective evaluation of nursing homes was introduced in Germany. The so-called nursing transparency agreement (Pflege-Transparenzvereinbarungen) was introduced to provide a reliable tool for an objective comparison of inpatient (PTVS) and outpatient (PTVA) care; however, the new regulations have been the subject of a broad discussion regarding reliability, efficiency and objectivity. Aims To overcome the lack of objective health outcomes, this study used administrative data from Germany’s largest health insurance fund, the Techniker Krankenkasse, in order to analyze the association between the quality ratings and objective quality measures on an individual level. This is the first study that provides empirical evidence on this topic using administrative data. Material and methods The administrative dataset contained information on several individual characteristics as well as data on injuries, poisoning and other extrinsic effects on care-dependent individuals over the age of 64 years who were living in a nursing home in 2009. Based on these data an objective measure was constructed to test whether higher quality ratings of nursing homes led to a better quality of care of the respective patients using non-linear regression models. Results The results of the estimated models showed no significant evidence of such a relationship, neither considering the probability nor the number of injuries, poisoning and other extrinsic effects. Significant effects were only observed for gender and specific diseases. Conclusion The results of this study support the argument that the current rating procedure for nursing homes has to be refined. Using quality indicators in combination with the administrative data could possibly contribute to such an enhancement.
Przylog, A., M. Stroka, S. Engel and R. Linder (2016), Bieten Pflegeheime mit besseren Pflegenoten auch eine bessere Qualität?: Empirische Analyse auf Basis von GKV-Routinedaten. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 49, 4, 308-316