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RWI Konjunkturberichte


Roland Döhrn, Sönke Maatsch

Überhöhte Verrechnungspreise überzeichnen den chinesischen Export

Currently it is suspected that Chinese exports are exaggerated because of using elevated transfer prices. Since China's share in world trade has risen to more than 10% such practices could lead to a miss-interpretation of global economic trends. We compare exports with the container throughput in Chinese ports to detect too what extent export values are biased currently. We find that between January and April 2013 the increase of export value per container was more than 13 percentage points stronger than it would be suggested by Chinese producer prices. Thus the suspect of elevated transfer prices can be confirmed.

Döhrn, R. and S. Maatsch (2013), Überhöhte Verrechnungspreise überzeichnen den chinesischen Export. RWI Konjunkturberichte, 64, 2, 29-33

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