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Lectures and Teaching

Lectured Talks 2022

Rothgang, M., "European R&I Policy Evaluation Conference REvaluation '21/22". Techgate. 05.2022

Rothgang, M., "Dimensions of knowledge and technology transfer: Actors, channels and implications". Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. 06.2022

Lectured Talks 2021

Rothgang, M., "Clusters and Competitiveness: Building Resilience in Knowledge-based Regions". Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 09.2021

Other Lectures 2021

Rothgang, M., "Kompetenzfeld Metropolenforschung Forschungsfeld Wissensmetropolen". 02.2021

Rothgang, M., "Info-Veranstaltung Innovationsbericht für die". 10.2021

Lectured Talks 2020

Rothgang, M., "Triple Helix Summit 2020: Designing Globally Connected Regional Innovation Ecosystsems". Videokonferenz. 11.2020

Janßen-Timmen, R., , J., Dehio, and M., Rothgang, "ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating in Times of Crisis". 06.2020

Other Lectures 2019

Rothgang, M., , B., Lageman, and A., Scholz, "Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Conference on Impact of Research and Innovation Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation and Evaluation". 11.2018

Lectured Talks 2018

Rothgang, M., "Triple Helix 2018 Conference ". University of Manchester. 09.2018

Rothgang, M., "Impact of R&I policy at the crossroads of policy design, implementation and evaluation ". Austria Center Vienna . 11.2018

Lectured Talks 2017

Rothgang, M., "2nd International Workshop “SMEs in Germany & China in a Digitalized World 2025. Aspects – Approaches – Ideas. ". 06.2017

Rothgang, M., "5th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks (SCT) ". NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst. 06.2017

Rothgang, M., "European Forum for Studies in Policies for Research and Innovation ". 06.2017

Rothgang, M., "European Forum for Studies in Policies for Research and Innovation ". 06.2017

Lectured Talks 2016

Rothgang, M., "Intern. Workshop "Opportunities and Challenges for Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Germany and China in a Globalized World" ". 05.2016

Rothgang, M., "Tagung: Massiver Leichtbau in Fahrzeugen ". 05.2016

Rothgang, M., "International Schumpeter Society 16th Conference ". 07.2016

Lectured Talks 2015

Rothgang, M., "4th Essen Workshop on Experimental Economics ". 10.2015

Rothgang, M., "OECD Meeting of the Case Study Leaders ". 10.2015

Rothgang, M., "1st EAEPE-RA[X] Workshop "New Frontiers and Methodological Advances in Cooperation and Network Research" des Stifterverbandes der deutschen Wissenschaft ". 11.2015